Sunday, August 16, 2015

Lesson 6: Developing Basic Digital Skills

“We cannot teach what we do not know.”
            As teachers we must be equipped in terms of technology that are available that can be used to aid the teaching-learning process. We must be abled enough to address the needs of this generation, the generation of technology learners.
            Teachers adjust their teaching to effectively match the new digital world of information and communication technology they must on what basic knowledge and values need to develop by digital learners. These basic literacies will not replace the 3 R’S but they will be complemented by six essential skills to equip students they call them literacy skills referred to fluency skills  these are:

1. Solution fluency – refer to capacity and creativity in problem solving.
2. Information fluency –involves 3 submits skills which is ability to access, retrieve and reflect information.
3. Collaboration fluency – refers to teamwork with virtual or real partners in online environment.
4. Media fluency – refers to channel of mass communication.
5.Creativity fluency - which is artistic proficiency adds meaning by way of design, art and storytelling to package a message.
6. Digital ethics – is guided by principles of leadership, global responsibility, environmental awareness, global citizenship and personal accountability.
Bloom’s Taxonomy serves as a general framework of skills that requires information processing, idea creation and real-world problem-solving skills. The following taxonomy may be proposed:
1. Remembering recall information
2. Understanding-explain ideas
3. Applying-use information in a new way
4. Analyzing-distinguish different parts
5. Evaluating-justify stand or position
6. Creating-new product/point of view

The structured problem solving-process known as 4D’s also exemplifies the instructional shift in digital learning:
·         Define the problem
·         Design the solution
·         Do the work
·         Debrief on the outcome

            As a student developing these fluencies helped me a lot, through these competencies I was able to face the challenges and demands that my course requires. Everybody can use technology and can access the internet easily but not all can use it wisely to make something better out of it.

            Definitely, the six fluency skills (solution, information, collaboration, media, creativity and digital ethics) are vital to digital learners of today's era. There is a need for them to acquire and equip these skills in order to adjust and face the overwhelming challenges brought by modern technology specifically in learning processes. On the contrary, teachers must adjust their teaching to effectively match the new digital world of information and communication technology (ICT). They should be flexible and creative in searching new ways to efficiently utilize and develop the basic digital skills which students truly need. Moreover, the new era opens the way for complex and higher cognitive skills. Therefore, Bloom's Taxonomy of Thinking Skills must be developed.

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