Sunday, August 16, 2015

Lesson 5: Preferences of the Technology Generation

This lesson is about how educators and learners improved in terms of instructional technologies. It also discussed the differences of old generation strategies in teaching-learning process between the new generations way. In the old generation they make use of textbooks. They go to the library in order for them to do researches and get information. They use linear, logical/ sequential manner. They are independent learners, they learn by themselves. The teachers teach the students in order the students pass the test. They have delayed rewards through grades, honors and medals for their hard work. During that time, teachers are obliged on content-based courses that are measurable by standard test. While in the new generation, they prefer to use visuals like television, videos, images, computers and many others that are essential for teaching-learning process. They use hypermedia for effective learning. The learners are participating during classroom discussions. They are studying lesson because they want to learn. They want an instant gratification through getting scores from games, web cam call, email chats, etc. They prefer fun learning which is relevant and useful for them.
            What Old Generation likes may not be the same as what the New Generation prefers in Life, work and leisure. Much of the good things enjoyed by elders when they were students are no longer available to the new generation. Vocational, Cultural and Values classes that are widely used by old generations during their time today, it is also available but it has been minimized due to the emphasis on the basics of English, Mathematics and Science

Text vs. Visual
Our parents read book text, enrich by illustrations and photos. In order to research, they go to the school library, use the card catalogue for needed books and sign up to borrow books for home reading. The technology or digital generation has greater affinity to visuals (photo and video) compared with text. In fact, they have been exposed since childhood to cable television and videos images especially cartoon characters and then to compute images, in such manner and their visual fluency or abilities have sharpened and enriched. 

Linear vs. Hyper Media
The past-30 year old generation obtained information in a linear, logical and sequential manner. On the positive side, this made them more logical, focused and reflective thinkers.  The new generation, however, follows a personal random access to hyperlinked digital information, less superior elders in focused and reflection. Thus, they appear to be more easily bored and distracted during class lectures.

Independent vs. Social Learners

The traditional education system gives priority to independent learning, prior to participative work. New learners, however, are already acquainted with digital tools that adapt to both personal and participative work. They take the opportunity for dozens of instantaneous ways to communicate with others mobile calls and text, emails, Facebook, YouTube, Myspace, twitter, wikis and etc. experts describe this mode of digital learning as one that based on experimentation, discovery and intuition. 

Learning to do vs. To pass the test
Old teachers teach students in order to help them pass tests and complete the course requirement.
On the other hand, the new digital learners simply wish to acquire skills, knowledge and habits as windows of opportunity afford them to learn. Our parents have completed a course and have engaged in a permanent job for most of their lives. A different work situation awaits the digital generation with contractual, multitask and multi-career opportunities in a digital world ahead of them. 

Delayed rewards vs. Instant gratification

The traditional reward system in education consists in the grades, honor certificates/medals and diplomas, including future jobs, the traditional rewards for the performance. 

On the other hand, digital learners on their own experience or more immediate gratification through immediate scores from games, enjoyable conversation from web-cam calls, excitement from email chats and inviting comments from their Facebook accounts.

Rote memory vs. Fun learning
Teachers feel too obliged to delivering content-based courses, the learning of which is measurable by standard tests.

Digital learners and not surprisingly there is much fun in the digital world outside the school.
We, students make it to the point that we already exert effort upon doing the task given to us. But as we observed that updated technologies could really help us to accomplish the task. As future educators, we have to be aware and active in adopting educational technology practices. Since, following the modern trends technology-related education is very essential to acquire knowledge in achieving an appropriate way of teaching-learning process.
            At times we prefer to stick to what is known for years without realizing the fact that we are stagnant, we are not improving. As humans we tend to adapt to what is happening within the surroundings not just to survive but for us to be better.  We are aware that technology has its own advantages and disadvantages it will always boils down on how we do use it to make ourselves better, reliable and effective teacher in the near future.
            In knowing the preferences of today’s learners it can be a big help for us in the future in the actual field of teaching wherein we are the ones who became channels between the students and the lessons they need to learn. Knowing all this things is not a waste of time but rather a time worth wasting for us to become better teachers.

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